Hey! Nacho here. I’m continuing the podcast episodes where I interview thought leaders about hard strategy topics. In the past weeks, we released conversations with Teresa Torres, John Cutler, Jeff Gothelf, and Marty Cagan. In upcoming episodes, we will feature April Dunford, and more!
So, if you are not a subscriber yet, this is a great time to join :)
Strategy and its role in connecting vision to execution is one of those n-dimensional problems that is hard to think about, let alone describe in a chart.
Fortunately, Martin Eriksson, the author of the decision stack, did just that. In his work, he describes a mental framework for navigating this challenging space and how you can think about connecting the decisions and artifacts of your vision, strategy, objectives, and opportunities.
In this episode, we navigated the hard questions about this mental model: common pitfalls, what to do as a PM if you don’t have a Vision or Strategy, what is the right level of strategy definition to enable empowered teams, and much more!
With a great career both in the product world and the VC world, Martin is full of experiences and wisdom, that he kindly shared and you shouldn’t miss!
Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Google, and YouTube, and read on for my takeaways and highlights of the episode.
Nacho, I think this will help you (it did for me) https://r.summarise.live/read/youtube_751J9QIU3uA#takeaway